Did Not Attend (DNA)

The issue of Did Not Attends (DNAs) is a huge problem in the NHS and is a frustration for both patients waiting to get an appointment and for those working in the Practice.

On average the Practice has approximately 120 missed appointments every month, i.e. the patient does not show up for the appointment and does not contact the surgery in advance to cancel or change the appointment. 

In an attempt to try and address this problem we have agreed the following policy:

DNA Policy

  • Receptionists will confirm patients’ contact details.
  • When booking an appointment the receptionist will remind the patient of the importance of keeping the appointment. The patient will be asked to telephone the practice if they are unable to attend the appointment. The patient will be given an appointment card as a reminder.
  • Monthly DNA figures will be updated on Envisage and the practice website.
  • Where possible the receptionist will identify a patient who attends at open surgery and who has a booked appointment and check if the appointment is still required.
  • Patients should notify the Surgery if they cannot attend an appointment giving as much notice as possible. The receptionist will then cancel this appointment and it can be offered to another patient.
  • DNA occurs when an appointment is not attended and the patient has not notified the surgery in advance to cancel or where the cancellation is so late that it is not possible to offer to another patient.
  • This will be coded as a DNA so the Practice can audit the number of DNAs that a patient has.
  • Where a patient has 3 DNAs, i.e. fails to attend the surgery on 3 occasions for any clinical appointment, the Practice Manager will send a letter to the patient. The letter will give the various ways that the Surgery can be contacted to cancel an appointment and the patient will be asked to inform the Practice in the future if they cannot attend.