Treatment Room / Practice Nurse
The Health Care Assistant Lisa Grant is available from 8.30am to 12.00 noon to carry out blood tests and simple dressings. These appointments can be booked up to 24 hours in advance, from 9am each day.
Appointments should be booked with the practice nurse for removal of stitches, vaccinations, dressings and health reviews. The nurse will also advise on other matters relating to health promotion.
Health Promotion Clinics
We offer a number of special clinics at the surgery for Asthma, Diabetes, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Hypertension and Smoking Cessation. These are run by the practice nurses.
We usually invite patients whom we feel would benefit but if you feel we have missed you, please ask at reception.
Antenatal Clinic
Antenatal care is provided by Ann Lenaghan and Sonja Dorman; who are the midwives attached to the surgery.
They do no work onsite and can be contacted at Ballyowen Health Centre.
Children's Clinic
Our children’s clinic is fortnightly on a Thursday afternoon, immunisations and 6 week assessments are done between 2.00pm and 5.00pm. Please note that child health will send you out an appointment card when you are due to attend.
If you think your child is due his/her next immunisation and you have not received notification, please telephone the practice and we will arrange an appointment.
If you wish to book an appointment please telephone reception on 028 9028 6800.
Minor Surgery
We perform some minor surgical procedures at the surgery so that you do not have to attend hospital unnecessarily.
Examples include the following:
- Joint Injections
- Incisions
- Excisions
We would ask you book a consultation with a GP to review your medical needs. The GP will discuss the procedure and any risks involved.
If minor surgery is appropriate and you agree to the procedure, we will ask you to book a double appointment
Please ask at Reception for more details
Women's Health
Dr Fitzsimons provides family planning advice to women and is trained to offer female contraceptive implants.
If you would like further information about contraception; please click on the link below, which will re-direct you to the HNS choices website.
You can book an appointment with Dr Fitzsimons to discuss your health requirements by telephoning the surgery on 028 9028 6800.