Access policy

Patient accessibility

An interpreting service is available free of charge for patients using GP services. This includes interpreting for people who are deaf or deaf/blind.

Some patients are happy to bring a companion to their appointment to act as interpreter; but we understand you may have occasions that this is not appropriate and prefer the assistance of 3rd party interpreting services (language translation or sign language translation).

We do not allow children to act as interpreters during your treatment or appointments. 

A member of the Team from the Practice dealing with your treatment or appointment will arrange the interpreter.

When you register with us; we will record on your clinical record that you require assistance when onsite or when accessing our services. This message will appear to any member of the team who accesses your file. However, we would ask that you remind us at the time of booking an appointment that you require assistance/ interpreter services.


Non-English Speakers

If English is not your first language, we offer the option of telephone interpreting services (including 3 way telephone calls). We ask that when arranging an appointment, we are made aware that you will require an interpreter and for which language this is required.

Telephone interpreting services are provided by The Big Word

Face to face interpreting services are provided by Health & Social Care Board (HSCB) Interpreter service.

Telephone interpreter services are used for urgent care as face to face interpreters are not available same day and have to be booked in advance.

A written translation service is available for patients who present with letters/documents in any language other than English.

Your documents will be sent to HSCB for translation back/to English.

Please be assured that anything discussed via an interpreter will be held in the strictest confidence by the interpreter.


British Sign Language/Irish Sign Language

If you have a hearing disability and would benefit from a BSL/ISL interpreter, please make us aware prior to your appointment so we can arrange for an interpreter to be present.

The service is provided by Interpreter Now and more details are be found on the following link:

All patients (including those with hearing disabilities) are advised to register for online access. This service allows you to order/re-order medications and book appointments.


If onsite, we use a TV calling system which gives your name and room location when you are called into the clinicians room.


Sight Impairment

The surgery has tactile signs throughout the building and staff are happy to assist those with sight problems.


Disability Access

All clinical rooms in the surgery are on the ground floor, with ramp access and automatic front door access; making the building fully accessible to patients with mobility issues.

If you have mobility issues we can provide a wheelchair or any member of staff would be happy to assist you when onsite.